Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Corrupted Mindset : the rich and the poor

I have no idea how long since I last post but every update always does not revolve around the good side. WHY? As bitchy I could sound, well, Life is a bitch. As the saying goes, as the rich got richer, the poor got poorer.

The rich have never thought how was it feel to be at the poorer side. All they think is what they should own next and the poor have to brainstorm on what to do next in order to survive. You see the difference?

To the rich one, who are you to judge the poor to not have a day of luxury like the rich? Who are you to judge that the poor is not entitled to even live like the rich. Have you ever been in their shoes to even appreciate the excitement of living a day like the rich? Even a simple life living like there is no worry is good enough for them to live another day.

And to the poor, all you think is money money money. Yes, Money is the root of all evil. But Money ain't everything. I hate it when every argument kicks off with the topic : money. Why? Because all they know is status quo are ranked by how rich they are financially but not mentally. This is how corrupted people are today.

If not, watch any simple drama. It all have the same story line. And dramas are fairytales and cannot be applied in real life because only the rich marries the poor and live happily and you don't see this coming in real life.

So sick of trying to defend any sides, but just one day just blurt out directly to the people who label themselves rich and label themselves poor.

Think about it. Which category you are. Do you behave as the rich or the poor. No I will not say it directly to your face but just think of it yourself.

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